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by on January 21, 2021


by Marco M. Pardi

Far more crucial than what we know or do not know is what we do not want to know.” Eric Hoffer. The Passionate State of Mind and Other Aphorisms.

As knowledge increases, wonder deepens.” Charles Morgan.

All comments are welcome and will receive a response. All previous posts are also open for comment. If you are unable or unwilling to comment, please forward this site to someone who will.

I want to open a discussion, particularly because I will include an occurrence which raised a question for which I hope someone has an answer. In any event, the discussion will touch on issues which affect everyone. But first, I want to clearly state some assertions.

Those readers who have followed my posts over the years well know that I have spoken of what I call the “non-corporeal”. That is, what some would call spirit, and some would call soul. My writings have included the context which I feel supports my confidence in such a state of being. But for those who are not familiar with those previous posts I will reiterate that I am not a believer in a god or a supreme being. I do think the universe is conscious. Does that mean it knows and loves each of its parts? You have trillions of cells and billions of bacteria living in you. Do you know and love each of these? I will also reiterate that I do not believe in the non-corporeal. Based on my personal experiences and on the many volumes on NDEs and associated phenomena written by impeccable medical and scientific sources I accept the non-corporeal as a known state, albeit requiring some adjustments in investigative protocol. You can’t walk a near death experiencer into a laboratory and tell them, Do it again.

I wish to also make clear that I have no quarrel with those who do believe in a god, so long as they do not try to impose their beliefs on the conduct of my life or those for whom I care. I count among my acquaintances clerics from the three Western religions and highly value their discussions as they, unlike so many common “faithful”, are utterly open to rational inquiry and the exchange of ideas.

In his essays on Intellect Emerson wrote, “The most wonderful inspirations die with their subject, if he has no hand to paint them to the senses.” But, wait. Have you ever felt inspired? Moreover, have you ever felt there was some epiphany you just couldn’t put into words? Looking at the word, inspiration, we find it derives from the concept that an outside source (spirit?) has inserted (in…) new knowledge, or a new way of seeing things. Conversely, we use “expired” to announce the departure of the elan vital (Bergson’s source of causation and evolution in nature), meaning that mysterious entity we call life is no longer within, or the inner power of the substance we purchased is gone.

A very common paradigm erected in recent decades is: body, mind, spirit. Sounds simple. But then we find many people who use brain and mind interchangeably. Obviously, this is incorrect; brain is part of the physical body. Perhaps these people are so locked into the Materialist view, which demands answers to such questions as Where and What, that they are unable to depart from their dogmatic physical position that ideas arise only from brain electro-chemical states.

But I do not here want to get into deep and arcane bio-chemical arguments. I am fully aware that alteration of brain chemistry can cause alteration of mental states. And for this reason I subscribe to the view that the brain is not unlike an exquisite receiver, like a radio. Move the dial from station 1 to station 2 and you change the “message”. But station 1 does not stop transmitting, or cease to exist simply because you moved to station 2. Nor does station 2 begin transmitting only when you tune it in. Alter the electronics in your receiver, such as by taking certain drugs, and you may receive only an electrical storm emanating from the receiver. Or, perhaps the alteration opens new receptivity in the brain by blocking the portions that tell us You Can’t and empowering the portions that say You Can.

For those interested in exploring the linkage between data input and ideation I seriously recommend:
Mærk Verden: En beretning om bevidsthed book by Tor Nørretranders

Although written in Danish, there is a paperback version in English. I am certain it is among the best books in the field.

So that leaves us with mind and “spirit, essence, soul, oversoul” whatever is acceptable to you. I think we can agree that mind is not a physical entity. I will try to present the case that it is not merely the product of a physical state. I have literally hundreds of medical and science based accounts of documented mental functioning even while the brain is medically certified as either completely inactive or dead. Obviously, I will not list them here, partly because I have written about them elsewhere.

Ever found yourself saying, “I knew that” and not knowing how or when you learned it? While Tor (above) explains how we take in and process billions of data bits throughout the day we still have people who cite “intuition”, leaving it in a murky, non-corporeal state. There’s that in prefix again, as if it’s coming from the outside. But is the outside really OUT, or is it a domain we don’t realize is part of us, and we a part of it?

Many sources like to reference “The Akashic records”, a compendium of every action, thought, word, and deed ever generated in the cosmos popularized by Madame Blavatsky (Theosophy) and Edgar Cayce. Okay, I can’t deal with the image of some giant volume hanging there in space. But, surprisingly, the concept turns up in major religions as “The Book of Life” and other such things. Supposedly, mystics and “seers” can access this knowledge, though I am skeptical of Madame Nozall.

I’ve written before of an incident in 1964 in which I sat with a woman I had never before seen and she calmly told me precise details of my early childhood (which I could verify only years later), precise details of my present (my work required a Top Secret – Cryptographic security clearance), and precise details of my future including unique physical descriptions of persons I would encounter in distant lands. How did she know this?

For several years I applied my knowledge and understanding of Thanatology (the study of death & dying) by spending hours with extremely ill or frankly dying patients. Several times a patient, not within earshot of family or attendants, told me “This is it” or “It’s my time.” Many would dismiss this as “giving up”; that may have been the case some times, but certainly not every time. Did they know something? If so, how?

Since childhood I have “accompanied” many people as they transition through what we call death. Each event is well documented, especially in the sense that I was in a remote location from them and did not know of their situation (some were sudden death). Medical literature is increasingly filled with documented reports from medical practitioners describing their own such journeys with patients. I have also written earlier about this. Take it or leave it.

During one such accompaniment the transitioning person pleaded with me to “come with me, you know it’s good. Come with me.” I responded, “It’s not my time” and promptly “returned” to waking consciousness. Less than an hour later I learned through a phone call that this person had suddenly and unexpectedly died.

So, here’s the question: Who was the I who said it’s not my time? And how did this I know it was “not my time”? If the I knew it was not the time, does the I know when it is the time? I’ve been through some on the edge medical issues, but through each of them I knew. How? In my daily conscious life, sitting here now, I can’t say when it will be my time. But it seems I’ve known when it wasn’t. How?

For many years I have liked the following paradigm:

Some are born asleep and stay asleep,

Some are born awake and are lulled to sleep,

Some are born asleep and awaken,

Some are born awake and stay awake.

How much do we learn versus how much do we come to realize we know? And where did that knowing come from?

I’m betting there are readers out there who know something. I know I’m anxious to learn. So, please, know away.

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  1. Dana permalink

    Marco, every word of this blew my mind! I have to read it a few more times and give all of this some more thought. I don’t even know where to begin; but I did have an out-of-body experience last night I’m thinking about sharing.


  2. Thank you, Dana. I’m very much looking forward to your write up of your experience, as I’m sure we all are.


  3. Dana permalink

    Marco, I don’t know if this was a true out of body experience, because I can’t say I’ve ever had one or experienced this before.

    I was meditating lying down, and could no longer feel my body. That I have experienced before, and it’s one reason I sometimes use a weighted blanket.

    But this time I dedicated some thought to what I was feeling, which as a child I would describe as “just my head floating around.” No wonder adults thought I was odd and I had so few friends!

    But I was still capable of thinking, even if I had no sensation of moving. And then I thought, I wonder if this lack of sensation but ability to think is what my existence will be like once my body has expired?

    It wasn’t an unsettling thought; it was rather profound. Because in that moment I also had the feeling I would be able to converse with others in that manner, without a cumbersome body, after death.

    I wondered if I was lucid dreaming, because then I had what was a really vivid dream as well.


    • Thank you, Dana, especially for providing context to your experience. The majority of OBEs involve actually leaving the body, as evidenced by the person looking back and seeing their own body in repose. Your experience seems to have been one in which you were JUST ABOUT to leave your body. Nonetheless, it was a marvelous part of a meditative state and the lucid dream was a logical follow-up. As you know, we too often denigrate an experience by calling it a dream; it might not have been.


      • Dana permalink

        Wow, well, I wish I could have taken that near-OBE to the next level. Maybe next time! I don’t think I’ve even been that “deep” in my meditation.

        There are some other things I’ve known would happen in my life. The first incident’s memory is as clear as if it happened yesterday. I was ten years old and had just arrived for the summer at my aunt and uncle’s home in Vancouver. I was staying with them and they put me in my older cousin’s bedroom. When I saw there was a sconce light fixture on the wall next to the bed, I thought to myself, “That fixture is going to come down off the wall.” I knew it was going to happen, and before falling asleep I looked at the screws. They seemed to be intact. The bed was pushed up against the wall under a low, sloped roof, so if the fixture break away, it would have fallen on me.

        Well, the fixture did somehow break away from the wall and fell on me during the night. I have no idea how this happened, and when I felt it I shrieked at the top of my lungs. I was frightened for two reasons, that it fell down, but mostly that I had known this would happen. That was probably the most frightening aspect of all – my prediction. I still feel uneasy about it!

        The story ends in a comical way, my aunt and uncle storming into my room at the sound of my screams, but my uncle Joe looking very sleepy, confused, and in a pair of plaid boxers, I recall thinking that was really funny for some reason.

        What do you think that could have been? Sometimes I’ve even wondered if I didn’t pull it down in my sleep.


        • Thank you, Dana. Some would say you have described an episode of precognition. Of course, Materialists would have searched your bed for the screwdriver you secreted there after unscrewing the sconce. And, they would examine the screw holes in the wall for evidence it was pulled off. Failing that, they would claim you bumped the wall in your sleep with sufficient force to cause the sconce to fall out of worn screw holes. So you see what you’re up against. For this reason so many people just remain quiet about their experiences, which is really too bad.


          • Dana permalink

            Thanks Marco. When I was sixteen and attending “college” (the cult my parents forced me into – Pensacola Christian College), I also accurately predicted who I would marry, even though I had no predilection toward meeting him. The first semester we attended (he was twenty) he made a public spectacle during required dinner one night.

            He got into trouble for something at his assigned table, and the informant at the table told staff. He was forced to go up the stairs to the administrative offices, fully visible to everyone dining below. Once he was upstairs he immediately went to the large window overlooking us, and imitated Richard Nixon on Marine One. I turned to my table and said, “That’s the man I’m going to marry.”

            What’s weird about the incident is that I didn’t say that because of his behavior or his Richard Nixon imitation. I simply KNEW he was going to be my husband. I have no idea how I knew that, and I really didn’t give him any thought afterward. I didn’t pursue meeting him. As much as I could be, I was an academic and had no interest in dating. And it was at least a month after the incident before we crossed paths again.

            Nine months later we were married.


  4. Great topic Marco, intuition is a sense a lot of people don’t seem to trust, however I have noticed in my life learning to trust your intuition really helps keep you on the right track. I have learnt to trust it more as I’ve gotten older, paying attention to how I feel and what my body tells me in any given situation or in making a decision. A strong trust of self and putting ego aside goes a long way to accessing your knowing I believe. Also I feel that as you are continually learning through life it sort of connects with knowing to give you clarity. I also believe the more authentic and real you are the more connected to knowing you are. Hope you are doing well Marco amidst these crazy times 🤪 sending love from down under xo


    • Thank you, Julie. I’m so glad to see you with us, and I always hope you are well in your adventures.

      Interestingly, at “the Farm”, the CIA training campus, officers on the Operations side of the Agency are encouraged to understand and develop their intuition. But there is never a discussion of what it is and where it comes from. Is it simply the outcome of a complex factorial calculation within us? Is it IN-tuition, from some “outside” source? We are aware, yet unaware of so much. Are we larger than ourselves? If so, how? How do we reconcile this with a “logical” worldview?

      I would love a sit down conversation going on for hours.


      • Julie permalink

        Indeed Marco a sit down conversation about this topic with you would be a amazing!

        I feel the sum of who we are work together be it our DNA, previous lives embedded in that DNA along with current life experiences all contribute to the level of intuition we experience. I guess the why factor in relation to explaining intuition can be thought about in different ways depending on what you believe, and in saying that what you believe likely affects your intuitive ability. I hope this doesn’t sound too much like a riddle.


        • Riddles are fun. I’ve always had a tough time with reincarnation since, to me, it seems so unlikely. Also, I admit I absolutely, positively do not want to go through childhood again. One life has been exhausting enough, so I try to make the best of it through contributions to the welfare and betterment of others.

          As to the Why, I often found myself doing something I distinctly had intended not to do, and it turned out that I avoided a very unpleasant, even disastrous situation. Of course, I often asked myself if some “greater self” knew the consequences and made the decision or whether I was living out some preordained plan. If the plan, who made the plan? My life partner, (now long deceased) used to tell me my guardian angel gave up and left a long time ago. I could possibly accept some “other” with a greater overview, but supreme beings just don’t make sense to me.


  5. Dana permalink

    Marco, I think we all have intuition, but why do we turn it off? You mentioned training at The Farm – knowing we have intuition and that we should use it might save our lives.

    One reason intuition is “turned off” is an effort to be “nice.” In worst case scenario situations being nice can get us killed. I think that happened to some, or at least one of Ted Bundy’s victims.


    • Dana I think you have hit on a crucial insight. Yes, I can easily see being too “nice” or too compliant can get you in trouble, if not killed. On more than one occasion I have felt something was off and acted accordingly. I can say without drama that’s why I’m here today.


  6. Marco, you’ve known me for enough years that I suspect you already know what I have to say on this subject. I believe in a universal pool of knowledge from which we all draw, what you call a cognizant universe. I grew up in the Baptist church, but now find it difficult to believe in the personification of that energy. What I do believe is that the universal source of knowledge is possibly the source for all things we think of as intuition.

    I’ve had several occasions in which I suddenly knew that someone had just died, or was about to do so; the same physical sensation which accompanied these occasions was also present when the upcoming tragedy did not pertain to death, but was about something equally tragic. That sensation was with me for months before the latest election, and while it is certainly less now than before, it has not yet fully abated.

    Yes, I still want to believe in reincarnation, but want is now the operative word; I no longer know it to be true. The thing about living again is that it truly is a new life, with the chance for better choices and better experiences along the way. Dreams that became realities have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, but perhaps there are other explanations for such. For instance, we all know about making the facts fit the desired scenario, and so perhaps I am guilty of that.

    I can’t help believing that you and I, and several others I have met on these pages, have known each other for longer than may be explained by this lifetime. If this is all there is, it’s been grand knowing you all; if there’s more, I look forward to seeing you next time around. Rose


  7. Thank you, Rose. Indeed, you and I have the longest joined history of anyone on these pages. And you know that one of the reasons I reject reincarnation, aside from a deeply personal fear of having another childhood, is that the concept of “better” makes no sense to me in the total context of being. I see such valuations as relative, and therefore irrelevant to the whole. Still, I feel the validity of that impersonal universal knowledge of which you speak.


    • Okay, so just different. Knowing what I do about your childhood, I wouldn’t want to repeat it either, and I NEVER challenge worse.


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